Saturday, July 14, 2012

The journey begins...

I know it's been a while since I posted... but in all honesty- not too much has happened....

I went to my medical appointment at Northwestern and everything went great there.  \I have to say I honestly love my contact there- she is hilarious, real, and down to earth.  I also love working with ConceiveAbilities and my case worker...  I am so relieved we hit it off well.. and I am grateful for the friends I have made.

The legal process officially began LAST week and we had a deadline of NOON on Friday- it came down to the line, and we went over our deadline a little bit... but we officially finalized on a contract!!

I felt worried that the small things we went back and forth on would effect our relationship with the intended parents....  I was worried that they wouldn't understand where we were coming from on some of the issues and thought we were just being difficult.  I spoke to a lot of surrogate friends about this legal process and I ended up not feeling alone in some of the "issues" we went back and forth on.  I was relieved to find out that some had ended up with the EXACT same issues!!!  My concern was then moving on how that would effect the relationship with the IP's... today my answer came...

A wonderful, unexpected surprise was delivered..

With a note: "May God bless you both, the way we have been blessed by you" ~ M & M

What a great way to start this journey...  so now my worries are put to ease and I am looking forward to the days ahead... EVEN tomorrow when I start my Lupron shots... more to come from this blog that's for sure!

Ok one more thing to note... now that the legal process is done... we can officially contact each other.  THIS I am a little nervous about.... I mean. It's like the call after a first date... who calls who??  ahh  Anyway... playing it by ear.. More to come

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So excited for you all! Looking forward to following your journey:)
    Kristie Taylor
